Where do I find the Moonstone? [F,T]
Hint 1 of 11:
Look in each of the rooms in the ruins.
Hint 2 of 11:
There is a helpful diagram showing a bull's horns, tail, and head.
Hint 3 of 11:
Once you find the horns and head, you'll be in good shape.
Hint 4 of 11:
Look near the bull's horns to find them.
Hint 5 of 11:
You're going to have to look for loose piles of stones. PUSH them.
Hint 6 of 11:
It would be nice if you could draw lines on the ground as easily as you
can in a drawing.
Hint 7 of 11:
The transit (cross the bridge at the start of the ruins) will help.
Hint 8 of 11:
Place the transit on the head/tail and use it.
Hint 9 of 11:
Line up the correct horn with the head/tail. When you have found the
horn, Indy will say he sees it, and a line will be drawn on the screen.
Hint 10 of 11:
After you've sighted both horns from the correct location (the left horn
from the head and the right from the tail), an X will appear on the ground.
Hint 11 of 11:
You now need to dig at the "X".